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Books on:

Animal Rights
Black History
Clean Energy
Eco Design
Eco History
Food and Nutrition
Genetic Engineering
Green Cities
Green Politics
Local Economics
Natural Building
Peace and Nonviolence
Simple Living
Trees and Forests

Books on Ecological Psychology

Ecopsychology edited by Theodore Roszak, Mary Gomes and Allen Kanner
Essays addressing the connections between the human mind and the natural world.
Forests by Robert Pogue Harrison
An exploration of the role of forests in Western thought.
A Place in Space by Gary Snyder
Essays exploring the importance of place to our sense of ourselves and the world.
Towards a Transpersonal Ecology by Warwick Fox
Brings together transpersonal psychology and ecology to develop a new ecophilosophy
Uncommon Ground: Rethinking the Human Place in Nature edited by William Cronon
Pushes us to a deeper understanding of the environmental implications of our views about nature.
The Voice of the Earth by Theodore Roszak
Introduces ecopsychology, the study of relationship between the individual and the earth.
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