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E. F. Schumacher

E. F. Schumacher, born in Germany and educated in England, was for many years the chief economist for Britain’s National Coal Board.

"Schumacher has been a Rhodes Scholar in economics, an economic advisor to the British Control Commission in postwar Germany, and, for the twenty years prior to 1971, the top economist and head of planning at the British Coal Board. It is a background that might suggest stuffy orthodoxy, but that would be exactly wrong. For there is another side to Schumacher, and it is there we find the vision of economics reflected in these pages. It is an intriguing mix: the president of the Soil Association, one of Britain's oldest organic farming organizations; the founder and chairman of the Intermediate Technology Development Group, which specializes in tailoring tools, small-scale machines, and methods of production to the needs of developing countries; a sponsor of the Fourth World Movement, a British-based campaign for political decentralization and regionalism; a director of the Scott Bader Company, a pioneering effort at common ownerhip and workers' control; a close student of Gandhi, nonviolence, and ecology."--Theodore Roszak, from the introduction to Small is Beautiful.

E.F. Schumacher's books include:

Books about E.F. Schumacher include Small Is Beautiful in the 21st Century: The Legacy of E. F. Schumacher by his daughter-in-law, Diana Schumacher.

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